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Memories of the Greensboro Radio Club

Growing up in the 1960's, I often went with my father (Hoyt Hinshaw, W4DFQ) on Friday nights to the Greensboro Radio Club. The club was located at the intersection of Friendly Road and W Market Street adjacent to the airport just west of Greensboro, NC and home to many Ham Radio enthusiasts in the area. It's also where I earned my ham radio license when I turned 12 years old and talked to people all over the world in Morse code. I'm not a Ham Radio operator today but I can still send and receive Morse code somewhere around 8 words a minute. Some things you just don't forget and that includes the friendship and comradery you'll find in the people presented here.

Don Harris was a key member of the club and he took the time to create a VHS tape he titled "Friends and Memories of the Radio Club, volume 1" in the fall of 1990 that chronicles the history of the Radio Club through interviews with several of its members shown below. I'm not sure if a second volume exists but if anyone reading this knows where it might be, please contact me so I can include it as well. The video recordings and lip-synch are a bit rough in places but the stories, radio history and memories shared more than make up for that.  Enjoy!

Lee Hoyt Hinshaw Jr, WN4QZA

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